Couples Sexuality Coaching

Our intimate relationships build the foundation for our sense of connectedness, safety and joy in our lives. Creating a fulfilling sex life is a way to strengthen that bond.

This program is for couples who are facing challenges together in the bedroom. Whether the issue is clinical in nature such as erectile health or low sex drive or you are struggling to have the kind of sex that wakes up your deepest passions (or you are experiencing a mix of both), this program works to open up lines of communication, compassion and building the kind of sexual connection you desire.

What We Focus On

  • Addressing any clinical challenges you may be facing

  • Understanding each of your sexual templates

  • Developing your ideal sex life

  • Sensuality and what it means to you both

  • Embracing pleasure

  • Being more present with each other

  • Exercises to deepen embodiment and your connection

  • How to spice things up

  • The art of polarity

  • Healthy communication

How It Works

  • 6 sessions together. We can move onto sessions as needed after the initial 6

  • A personalized plan to address your sexuality goals

  • All sessions held via zoom

  • Our first session together is our intake call where we get clear on your goals and the challenges you’ve faced

  • One 1:1 call with each partner following the intake

  • Last 3 sessions will be held altogether

  • Assignments to deepen your bond

  • Resources that will add to the intimate work you’re doing together

Please Note:

None of our sessions will require you to get undressed or do any physical demonstrations. If I determine you need physical exams for clinical purposes those will all happen between you and your licensed doctor.

What You Can Expect From Me

  • Respect and Professionalism

  • Openness, Non-Judgment, Honesty

  • Confidentiality

  • Knowing what is and is not within my capabilities of supporting you and referring you to the right professionals when necessary