Clinical Sexuality Coaching

There are many challenges that can impact your ability to have a fulfilling sex life.

  • Lack of Confidence

  • Low Sexual Desire

  • Painful Sex

  • Anorgasmia (struggling to orgasm)

  • Premature Ejaculation

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Technique

  • Shame Around Sexuality

  • Communication Barriers

Clinical sexuality coaching is focused on helping individuals and couples address their challenges in the bedroom. We look at the root cause of the sexual issues you are experiencing and create a plan to help you achieve your desired outcome and live a more sexually fulfilled life.

Embodied Sexuality

Do you feel disconnected from your innate sexual nature and desires?

Your aliveness, creativity, purpose?

Your emboldened sense of self in and outside of the bedroom?

Does shame or challenge in letting yourself receive make it difficult for you to claim this wilder nature you feel within?

I see you

You’re here because you’re hungry. Hungry for aliveness, to be open, to experience your desire and pleasure in every way you feel is possible. 

You know there is wild in you. You can feel it.

Embodying your sexuality in a way that becomes restorative, grounding and gives you the freedom you desire in your most innate nature is powerful. It can leave you feeling more creative, open and alive. More self-assured and connected to your truth.

This program is all about connecting to this magnificent part of who you are. Allowing more pleasure into your life and embracing your deep desires in your intimate life.

Couples Intimacy Coaching

Our intimate relationships are precursors to our sense of connectedness, joy and security in our lives. Creating a fulfilling sex life only strengthens that bond.

We work to:

  • Address any clinical issues you may be facing

  • Look into your sexual templates and create your ideal sex life

  • Sensuality and what it means to you both

  • Being more present with each other

  • Increasing sex drive

  • Communicating in and outside of the bedroom

  • Embracing pleasure

  • Exercises to deepen embodiment and your bond

  • How to spice things up

  • The art of polarity

  • Healthy communication

    Couple Intimacy Coaching is focused on helping partners address their challenges in the bedroom and work together to create the kind of fulfilling sex life they both desire.

Become a Magnetic Woman in the Dating Market

I know, dating hasn’t been easy.

And if navigating the world of love and men has left you frustrated, drained and at a loss then I am glad you’re here.

You desire a man of distinction, one who is consistent, who makes you feel safe, excited and full of love but the search has been anything but that…

In this container we focus on:

  • Becoming a match for the kind of love you’re looking for

  • Dating history + patterns

  • Getting your energetics in alignment

  • How to date from your magnetism

  • Building self-confidence

  • Setting boundaries and creating invitations

And so much more

What People Are Saying

Like most women who have previously been hurt - I was guarded, and it was blocking me from the love I desired. Working with Krystin allowed me to remove the mental blocks I had created and open myself to the love I desired. Navigating the nuances of the dating world as a millennial in a post-pandemic society presents an overwhelming amount of challenges I was not prepared to face without guidance. Krystin was extraordinarily patient and allowed me to progress at my own pace with nudges and encouragement at every corner. Having someone to discuss my abandonment issues and relationship anxiety allowed me to put my best foot forward in my new relationship. I can't thank Krystin enough for her empathy, kindness and pragmatic approach to teaching me how to attract the love I was seeking - I've never felt more secure in a relationship and permission to be nothing more than myself. 


Working with Krystin has been soul-changing. While I wouldn’t say I needed a dating or sex coach per se, Krystin helped me understand the root of where the issues from my love life were coming from: a closed, guarded heart. Many years of dysfunctional and painful relationships have trained me to keep a protective barrier around my heart which has prevented me from really feeling and being vulnerable in dating/relationships. Krystin has been so crucial in helping me understand where I need to open up more, be softer, and drop into my feminine energy. She’s lovely and so patient! If you’re considering it, pull the trigger! Her coaching has been a great investment. 


“Speaking with Krystin has been invaluable in building a healthier relationship with my sexuality, sexual partners and my own self esteem. Through a friendly and warm tone full of openness she has allowed me to dive deeply into my feelings and attitudes in a safe and comforting way. After my sessions with Krystin I feel wired with excitement and curiosity to explore my sexuality and my relationships reassured by her words and the exercises she sets me. In the time I’ve spent with Krystin I’ve seen a huge development in how I understand myself and others in relationship scenarios.  I’m able to identify situations and tendencies acknowledge them and build toward more meaningful and passionate moments which ultimately enrich me. Sessions are filled with laughter, joy, and intimate moments that spark lightbulbs. Krystin is been an absolute pleasure to speak with and I eagerly anticipate our time together each week.”

- Jonnie

“Krystin’s coaching has not only provided me the tools to strengthen my relationship with my partner but also my relationship with myself. Her sexuality coaching has given me more confidence, for both my body and my mind. She made me realize how much I’ve been neglecting my body, and in turn, has given me the tools and the awareness to take better care of myself, to nurture my wants and needs and to be stronger in voicing them. Now, I feel sexy in simple sweatpants, I make a point to find “me” time, I let my partner know what I want and I’ve noticed firsthand what power a little more confidence can give you. I can’t say enough good things about Krystin and her coaching – she goes out of her way for you and her calming presence makes for zero embarrassment when even talking about the most taboo subject.”

-Jessica Patton

"My experience with Krystin has completely opened my mind and lifted a weight that I've been carrying for years. She's taught me so much about appreciating myself and embracing my powerful, feminine energy. I was really needing guidance to address my self confidence and various insecurities surrounding dating.

Krystin gave me the space to talk through my struggles (no matter how trivial they seemed to me), helped me find answers to address them and introduced me to valuable tools to turn to in times of need. I cannot thank her enough for her expertise and for making me feel in control of my own sense of self."

- Ellen

To call Krystin an embodiment coach would be an understatement. Before I met hers and began my coaching I had such a huge fear around dating. Krystin really helped me understand myself and the dating world as well as gotten me to push myself outside my comfort zone and be my best self in and outside of dating! She’s really helped me to express who I am and discover how to make my life the fullest it can be
